Enhance your oral health with sugarless gum. And what can sugarless gum do for your smile? Studies report that chewing sugarless gum for a period of roughly 20 minutes after eating can create saliva, which in turn neutralizes acids and prevents cavities. For more of the amazing benefits that chewing sugarless gum can offer, see the list below: - Sugarless... read more »
If you want to improve your smile and your oral health care outlook, fill in the gaps caused by missing teeth with dentures. If left untreated, the gaps caused by missing teeth can become homes for bacteria and plaque to grow. In addition, gaps between teeth can allow other teeth to move more freely and come loose from their positions.... read more »
To enjoy a healthy body, you know to engage in a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising and following a healthy diet. But did you know that the health of your gums can affect your overall health? In fact, keeping your gums healthy is an important part of protecting the health of your body. Fortunately, there are several things you can... read more »