Toothbrush Care, Summarized

You can brush all you want, but if your toothbrush isn’t cared for, your teeth won’t get clean! Here are a few fixes to common mistakes people make. Store your toothbrush in a well-ventilated area. Closed spaces encourage bacteria growth. Store your toothbrush away from other toothbrushes. If you must store more than one toothbrush in the same area, make... read more »

How to Help Your Child Avoid a Scary Smile this Halloween

Tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues can make your child’s smile very scary, and the candy your child will receive this Halloween might just cause those issues! So, to help you help your child maintain a strong oral health in Mesa, Arizona, this Halloween, our Dr. Kent Stapley & Dr. Nathan Kitchen team recommends that you do the... read more »