How to Save Your Smile After an Oral Emergency

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Do you know how to save your smile after an oral emergency? Depending on the severity of the damage, your input may have a lasting effect on the ability to heal correctly and quickly. In some cases, applying a gauze pad to a wound can have a huge impact on the safety and cleanliness of an open wound.

The most common form of oral emergency is a lip or tongue bite. In most cases, they are not severe, and only require a gauze pad until the bleeding has stopped. However, if your bite is deep, it may require additional care and stitches.

Blunt trauma is also fairly common in oral emergencies, but also serious. If your teeth have been cracked or broken, tend to the wound with gauze pad until the bleeding stops. All cracks in your teeth should be restored as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the inner workings of a tooth. If a tooth has been fully knocked out due to blunt trauma, store the tooth, or bits of the tooth in a tooth-saving solution such as Save-A-Tooth or you could even use milk. Visit your dentist as soon as possible to ensure the highest chance of success in placing the tooth back in our mouth once more.

No matter which treatment you desire, Dr. Dr. Kent Stapley & Dr. Nathan Kitchen and our team at Dr. Kent Stapley & Dr. Nathan Kitchen will make sure that your smile is properly treated. Furthermore, if you would like to schedule an oral exam or professional cleaning at our dentist office in Mesa, Arizona, please contact us at 480-830-8946. A healthy smile is a happy smile!